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Darkside of the Con II band interview: Life Cried - VF Archives

Interview by Morticia

(Interview from 2018)

When did Life Cried form? What is the origin behind the band name?

I started writing for what became Life Cried around 1999. I was in a band called Eye Kandy then that I played guitar for and also co-wrote music for. At the same time I was writing some of my own songs that sounded much different and decided to make a separate project out of it. I didn’t have a band name originally and was just writing some blind demo tracks... A name ended up surfacing accidentally when someone asked me “What is your new band called?” on instant messenger, and on the spot I just randomly wrote “LIFE CRIED”. I’m not really sure where it came from.

How many band members are there and what are their stances in the band?

I write the music but live I have a full band which is Chris Reject (me) on Vocals, James Francis on Guitar, David Dutton on Keyboards and Matt James on Drums.

What are band practices like? Do you have a set time each week?

We usually just get together before shows and work out whatever we need to get through. Everyone picks up pretty quickly so it is pretty straight forward.

What has been your biggest challenge as a band?

I suppose it would just be doing more promotion, booking more shows and recording more. Writing the music is never really a problem, it is just procrastination.

If you guys could play at any venue anywhere, where would it be?

Probably something like Terminal 5 in NYC or Starland Ballroom in New Jersey, I really liked playing at Irving Plaza which is similar to those venues.

Do you have a Motto for the band? Or a superstition?

Hmm. I dunno... "Careful with that mirror!"

You can find Life cried here

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