Hexable Writes

May 30, 20212 min

Reviews: 1919 Releases New Album - Citizens of Nowhere

Hexable: "Citizen of Nowhere" is really fun to listen to, flexing into different styles of music and interests the band has. My favorite track is “Gilded Cage” as it moves from a summery and light song to something much darker. I like that their politics are at the front of their message for every album they release, with this album tackling the social issues that have come to the forefront over the last year and a half. 1919 continues to kick ass.

Morticia: The new album “Citizens of Nowhere” is full of energy and creativity. I find the entire album to be a must have, and my favorite track thus far is “Jackie” -- Dancing over here as I am writing this! If you wanna dance GET THIS ALBUM available for pre-order! Alas, I love seeing that 1919 has never changed their stance. You can hear the variety and uniqueness of each song yet each song is interconnected. This album should be in the hands of everyone; plus there is a song for everyone from all walks of life. We interviewed 1919 in January of this year, and we spoke briefly about the upcoming album. We advise all to check that out here: Click for interview with 1919.

Rio said in January about "Citizens of Nowhere" - “I like to reference the early 1919 material in my lyrics: Bloodline has a nod to Tear Down These Walls, and there’s a track called Borders on the new album which is written as a kind of sequel to Alien – exactly the same subject, unchanged, 30 years later (I originally wanted to call it “Alien 2” or even “Aliens”, but that was vetoed pretty fucking firmly!)

To describe the album in one word I would agree with what Mick said in the interview “Resistance

Yassss, that is what 1919 is about, fighting for others, community, and resistance to the oligarch!

Links to all things 1919
